
Inspection & Expediting services

Inspection and expediting services are crucial components of ensuring the quality and timely delivery of goods and services. These services involve a range of activities, including assessing the quality of raw materials, monitoring manufacturing processes, and inspecting finished products.

Our Experts Qualified
  • ISO 9712:2012 NDT Leve 2 & 3 (MT-UT-RT-VT-PT)
  • CSWIP 3.1

All Services

QC Engineers

QC (Quality Control) Engineers are professionals responsible for ensuring that the products or services produced by a company meet certain quality standards.

Welding Engineers

Welding engineers are professionals who specialize in the design, development, and application of welding processes and technologies.

NDT Engineers

NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) Engineers are professionals who specialize in the testing, and systems without causing any damage or destruction to the test subjects.

Welding Inspectors

Welding Inspectors are professionals who are responsible for ensuring the quality and safety of welded materials and structures.